Sunday, May 6, 2012

Reflections on the 2012 A-Z Writing Challenge

*It was more of a challenge than I thought it would be.  Writing something every day that would be interesting to readers was difficult, because I do not blog regularly.

*The "theme" thing.  I did not do this, instead I  wrote a different piece every day, but if you wanted to know something about me, read my A-Z blogs.  I have an grandson who has autism, am first generation Russian, have written book in  a lions's voice, etc.

*The "ageism" thing.  I am aware and self-conscious about my age and time in life and hesitated to say that I had grandchildren, as it would turn off some who would follow my blog.

*I like the idea of being able to dip into other interests and themes and there were many: astronomy; YA Fiction; Swedish; French; short-wave radio; movies; poetry; and more.  I found that I am interested in other bloggers and finding out more about them.  I do have one favorite among all my favorite, The Clay Baboons.  How she manages to write and then illustrate her stories with those figures is her secret, and  I want to see what she creates every day.

*My goal is to become more adept at the manipulation of the technical aspects of blogging, illustrations, etc.,  I know there is more to learn, and being part of this writing challenge introduced me to a new world, the blogging world.  Thank you!

*Please don't emphasize the "popularity" aspect of the blogs.  I am thrilled with 76 followers and hope I can maintain contact with many of them.  I don't want to feel that my contribution is any less because I don't have hundreds of followers.  I appreciate everyone who commented on my blogs and who became followers.

*Favorite part:  meeting with all those bloggers--it was like a big party: "So, what do you do?"   Or to quote Cole Porter: 

    " Have you heard? It's in the stars,
     Next July we collide with Mars!
     Well, did you evah?
     What a swell party this is!

     What a swellagent, elegant  blogging party this was!"

*Blogging is a reflection of who we are and I am grateful to the editors  for the effort and time they gave so that we could be part of this "Moveable Feast."

Attribution:  Photo from:  "Vanity Fair" May 2012, Ad for Ritz Carleton


  1. The photo of Venice brings back such nice memories! Loved your posts in the A-Z - congratulations on completing the challenge!

  2. I loved discovering your blog through A-Z. Do you really think that talking about your grandchildren might turn people off? I think it's the opposite, at least for bothers me when every single blog I read is written by someone a lot like me. I love knowing that there's a cross-section of people that I read...I feel that I get a more balanced and wide view of the world through other people's eyes. (And I don't follow you through GFC, because I read blogs in my own way, using a combination of bookmarks and a different blog reader...but you can count me as follower number 78!)

    1. Thank you Stephanie! And I was your age (once) and here I am a bit older, through no fault of my own. I don't even know how to do GFC. But I love your creativity. You are on my blog list where your opening paragraph is there to read and read more.

  3. I wanted to try the A-Z thing, but can't carve out enough time...I'm impressed you did it all the way. I got a few of them written. My mother-in-law is a blogger and I love what she writes...grandmother of three and adopted grandmother of my nephew! :-)

    BTW, I love then name of your blog...very much peaked my interest!

  4. The A to Z challenge isn't an easy one, so well done on completing it! And 76 followers is nothing to be sniffed at. Blogging is there because we enjoy it, so keep doing what you enjoy and things will grow naturally.

  5. wonderful pic btw----i too feel the need to get up to speed on all the new stuff out there for our blogs---i think you did wonderfully!

  6. Lynn, Rebecca, Michael, and Stephanie: Thank you for all your comments. Do you remember the old Bill Cosby show where little Rudi practices her bows for her ballet class? Imagine a thank you bow from me.

  7. I loved this post, honest without being needy. A lot of my poetry and short fiction blogger friends are grandmothers and grandfathers too...ageing it seems makes the posts better in quality and content, not to say youngsters aren't good, some of them are are wonderful and brilliant in their own way but the wavelength gets broken at times, their interest often run at divergence to mine.

  8. Wonderful and honest post.

    Followers don't mean a thing really, most only follow to be followed back. I follow a lot of blogs, way more than I could ever keep up with on a regular basis but it's my way of bookmarking those I'm interested in all in one place. As I said in my reflections post, it was fun seeing lots of new followers but it pretty much ends there as far as that goes.

    I enjoyed your posts that I was able to pop over to read during the challenge :)

    1. Martha, I love your red toenails. I picture a glamorous gal who loves the water and living the outdoor life. I agree with you; It is hard to keep up with everyone. I made a list on Word and cut and pasted those I will try and contact. But I enjoy writing and the blogs give me a chance to do this. Facebook doesn't offer the same challenge.

  9. Rekha, the first sentence was perfect. I hoped I didn't sound as if I were complaining, because I just stated how I felt, which is grateful for the experience, but careful at times. Thank you.

  10. I'm just now finding your blog, there were just so many to visit. I'll have a look around. Nice to meet you :)

  11. Thanks, Kela. So true, so many blogs, but now we'll have more time to visit more.

  12. never worry about your age - it is part of who you are!

    congrats on finishing :)

  13. hi,loverofwords... like you, i wondered if revealing my age would cause some to lose interest.. but then i figured.. whatever. i really am writing for me.. and for my kids.. they will forever have my words directly from my heart, instead of wondering what i felt about this or that.
    thanks for stopping by and following... i am now your #80 - even though i also agree that #'s don't matter, it's about contribution.. and sharing...

  14. Thank you baygirl32 and danneromero. You really can't change who you are: "This above all, to thine own self be true. . . ." And thanks for being #80, I might get into the numbers thing after all :)

  15. "No theme" is a theme in itself. I basically winged it the first two years and it worked just fine for me. The Challenge is all about making it to the end and making friends along the way. And I've got no problem with grandchildren--I've got two of my own. Now I know I'm in good company.
    Thanks for being part of this.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. I think it's the marketing angle Lee. We need to market ourselves as interesting, vibrant, active members of society. Getting older is a challenge, and I have to admit, I miss the "second look." Might write a blog about it. Thanks for always listening and fixing my tech mistakes. By the way, you don't seem older to me, not even "oldish." A positive attitude and a great hat do it!

  16. I'm sure you will receive more followers when all of us get around that long list ;)
    I liked your reflections post, good luck in the blog world! :)

  17. Hi RZ: Which one of your books would you recommend for a boy 12? I am not into Zombies (sorry) but I love my grandsons and they are. Joshua wants to go Transylvania to see Dracula's home. I still have not mastered the button thing, so I only used the regular badge and congrats for your publishing success.

  18. How did you find this blog on the Reflections Post? When I click on mine, I just get sent to my blog with no words, just the picture. But, I am on the big list. Oh well, such is the blog and cyber world.

  19. What a fantastic reflections post -- from reading for the first time that you have penned a story in the voice of a lion to the C. Porter verses.

  20. Thanks, Suze, love your shoes. Mr. Hobbes (the lion) appreciates your comments. He is on the "L" entry and also on the "W" entry. He does enjoy the Wall Street Journal.

  21. Great reflections. I don't think ageism came into the blog hop. Plenty of young people left a comment on mine. We're all the same under the skin--just some have gained more wisdom.
