Saturday, March 10, 2012

Red Light, Green Light

The headline's words shimmered in their blackness,
causing consternation, jubilation, depression,
elation, disbelief,
red light, green light.

"The sky is falling, said the Little Red Hen.'

old past or. . .

Romney Wins Presidential Election!


  1. Here are my linkup thoughts? (you probably solved this ages ago)

    Maybe because there's no http:// the linky tool isn't recognizing it? Somebody had trouble during the week and the problem was something really stupid. I can't remember what, though. I think they had pasted in the button HTML text but the linky wasn't acknowledging that yes, this would take the reader where said reader needed to be.

    And my other thought is that maybe the linky is looking for a link back to the exact webpage rather than the home page?

    Anyway, I'll just follow those thoughts up with a few exclamation points to make you feel all confused and stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi JQ: Thank you so much. Trifecta sent me an e-mail this morning with another suggestion and finally--I did it!!!!!!! The exact link is the answer, the long link including the title.

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you made it in. The political ones are fun - yours in particular because in spite of the exclamation it's impossible to deduce a political stance from it! Well done!

  3. You always say just the right thing to everyone. Thank you for being such a good encourager.

  4. Replies
    1. As a great admirer of your writing, thank you.

  5. Yep, whatever the outcome, it does seem that people take it to heart. This was a unique entry. Great one!

    1. Thanks, MP. I even threw in the "green light" from the Great Gatsby.

  6. Thanks for linking up this weekend. I'm glad you got through in the end. Politics are motivating a few of our responses this time. I think politics and exclamations go very well together. :-) Hope to see you back again soon.

  7. Love your new "banner"(is that what it is called) photo!

  8. I stopped watching the political news months ago. Who won again? Are we better off than we were this time last year?
