Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z is for Zebra, Good-bye to the 2014 A-Z Challenge!

Keeping a tradition, this was my "Z" from last year, this is JJ, a Zebra made of paper mache.  He is here again to say good-bye and thank you to all of those who made the A-Z Challenge possible, both the editors, assistants and all you bloggers out there.

Ah, but there is a French connection.  Since my theme was Edgar Degas, I needed something French.  JJ was created in Haiti, and his white coat was made with pages from a French book, then the stripes were painted over the pages.  Seeing the words in French made JJ special, I had to buy him and I did.  He is hanging in my kitchen over the doorway to the dining room.  And to further my penchant for naming inanimate objects, I looked up Haitian names online and saw, Jean-Jean or JJ.

The Internet is amazing--I learned so much about Edgar Degas but I have so much more to learn.  And I learned about other topics from all the A-Z Bloggers as well.  Now for the next few days I can leisurely read more blogs that I missed and read the familiar and new blogs I discovered.  Merci to all of you!

Jean-Jean. c. 2011,  Haiti. Artist unknown.


  1. I enjoyed your theme too, and this is a great finale! That zebra would have caught my eye, too.

  2. Wish I could read French to find out from what book all those words were. Such a great idea instead of just making him black and white.

  3. Hi Natalie .. the Degas theme was fascinating to follow along - and like you I need to spend some time re-reading through some blogs from A-Z ... M De Gas included! The papier mache zebra is just amazing and to be made out of a French book, then painted over ... very clever. Brilliant place to hang JJ too - he's always watching over you ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. I like that thought--watching over me. I have never been a fan of real animal heads displayed anywhere. It always seemed goulish to me. So JJ is perfect. It reminds us of how beautiful animals are in their own habitat.

  4. I have really enjoyed following your Degas theme and seeing all of his awe inspiring pictures - some new and some so familiar. I wonder if Degas ever wanted to paint a zebra - he certainly could capture a horse on canvas?

    1. So true, and perhaps they had Zebras at those circuses he attended. But if you think about it, I don't think that I have ever seen a zebra outside a zoo.

  5. Your blog has been delightful. Learning about Degas and the era in which his art flourished and grew--perhaps that was the best of all. I'll be looking in on you when I see you have a post up. Thanks!

  6. Thank you Susan, hope to "see you soon" as well. Right now I am out of ideas.

  7. I think you should go and lay down in a darkened room for while after your epic posting marathon. Congratulations on keeping the standard so high!
    CLICK HERE to come and help Bazza celebrate his 200th fabulous post at ‘To Discover Ice’!!

    1. Don't think you are going to get away so fast--I intend to follow you and I do thank you for your kind words.

  8. Jean-Jean is a beauty. Thanks for all the wonderful A-Z posts!

    1. Hope you are going for more travels. Enjoyed reading your words.

  9. Never knew much about Degas before, thank you so much. I wrote about Zebras too, not JJ though, I speak French fairly well so could possibly tell you some of the words, but you're too far away. Glad you got to the end as well.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you CQ. Now it's your turn with CQ's Art for Kids.

  11. I love that JJ is made from pages of a French book, how original! Yay on finishing the A-Z! :)

  12. Thank you. I bought JJ at Anthropologie--they had other animals, an elephant, etc. Stop in and check out that store if you have one near you. Just look at the way they decorate their windows and their displays. They have a special private room in the back of the store where a group of designers work, although I know the paper mache animals were from Hati. Their displays change often so I always stop in just to look.

  13. He is beautiful, how large is he? I thought he was going to be tiny, but he looks really big. Congrats on finishing the A to Z and thank you for using such a beautiful theme. Degas, it doesn't get much better than that. It has been great to meet you.

    1. He is about real size, I think. Thanks Inger, and a pleasure to meet you as well.

  14. Thank you for your brilliant posts on Degas, and congrats on finishing the challenge.

    1. Thanks, WW. It does take a bit of time, doesn't it to participate? Hard to write well everyday, so I appreciate all those who have to write every day.

  15. He's cute! Congrats on completing the challenge. I'm continuing to blog in the a-z format throughout the month of May.
    Sandy at Traveling Suitcase still blogging in May in abc's

    1. I will check you out, Sandy. Congratulations on continuing.

  16. Here I am coming in at the very last moment with Z ~~ thanks for joining my blog ~ the world as seen through a Labrdoodle's eyes!! I replied to you about Rose Bay!

    Smiles ~~~ Ron, Sophie's ever-patient Daddy!!

  17. I am walking with you Sophie, in spirit. I did see the comments about Rose Bay. My friends love it and had a house there.
