Friday, February 7, 2014

The Russian Olympics and The Brothers "K"

In honor of the Russian Olympics in Sochi, Russia and my Russian heritage (pre-1917), I will not only watch much of the Olympics but begin reading The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky.  This will be a daunting read by recent translators, Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, who according to the critics are excellent.  

And this evening, at the opening of the Olympics, there will be ballet, classical music, and a showcase of Russian composers, artists and performers.  And, the composers almost all before 1917, I cannot help but add.

Lately, out of laziness, I read easy stuff, magazines, novels that one can read fast, but never The Brothers K.  So, from time to time I will comment on how far I have read and what I have learned.

So, here is a toast to the Olympics and of course good luck to all our athletes who have worked so hard to be there.

Hobbes will see if Dostoevsky mentions any lions


  1. I love Hobbes' reading glasses. Just hoping for a peaceful event! Haven't liked much of what I've heard about the country's preparations.

  2. So true, it sounds grim if you are planning to stay in a hotel. Hobbes is happy to be watching the Olympics from the comfort of the couch.

  3. I read 'The Brothers Karamazov' recently. It took me a while but that was because there are moments where you'd want to pause, re-read bits, reflect on them. It's a beautiful novel and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Happy reading :)

    1. Thanks Ghadeer. Wish I could read it in Russian, but I think these translators are good. Are you watching the Olympics?

    2. Not really much of a sports enthusiast, to be honest!

  4. I read that book many years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you will too.

  5. It is not a book you skim through, I know. So, far, I have read the introduction by the translators, which discusses D's life, etc. and how they wrote the idioms back in which had been removed earlier.

  6. Hi Nat .. card on its way .. posted yesterday. I didn't watch the Opening Ceremony - had intended to, but visitors came over .. so that solved that problem. I hope to catch some of it sometime. I've seen parts of the sport, but again haven't been around much.

    I haven't read the Brothers K ... I suspect I might read Harmony (Prince Charles' take on the earth) first! However I really must make the effort to start studying some of our classics ...

    I hope you enjoy it - sounds as though others have ... I look forward to seeing your take on it ... cheers Hilary

    1. Wow, Hilary, your card came here today, on the 15th--so fast. Thank you for taking the trouble to send a message the old fashioned way!

  7. i too need to read more of the classics---i am so surprised by the warm temps at the games!

  8. Hi Lynn. Hope you are staying warm. Too much cloudy weather for me is not good for my mood.
