Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Autism Ribbon
Autism Logo
The Puzzle of Autism

Odds of a child becoming an Olympic athlete 1 in 28,500.  Odds of a child being diagnosed with autism: 1 in 88, with 1 in 55 boys.

Normally, I do not write about personal family things, but today, after watching the Olympics and seeing this latest stat in one of the ads, I am moved to write about autism.  I  have four grand sons, one has autism.  Three of the boys are doing well.  But. . .autism breaks your heart every day.  There is no cure and the effect on families, emotionally, financially is enormous.  Relationships suffer, families sometimes break apart.  Siblings bear the burden as well, sometimes becoming very compliant in order not to create more trouble for parents.

Yes, much is being done.  Technology will help kids with autism.  Awareness by the public is important.  My grandson is mainstreamed, so this means that teachers and students have to be very tolerant as he struggles with the challenges of learning every day.  The little things that do not bother regular kids, the lights, the bells, the noise, the frustration of trying to keep up with other students and not being able to fully understand.  And there is always the bullying.

My regret is being older.  I feel I need more time and energy  to help more.  Meanwhile, everyone in our families, including three sets of grandparents, do what they can, which includes: specialized classes and lectures, technology, researching on our own.  There is always the search -- please give us answers -- but there are none.

I appreciate all my friends and family who forward information about autism and their moral support.  Autism is a world-wide problem and affects families on all social strata.  Perhaps there will be answers someday.  Meanwhile. . . .


  1. Heartfelt and personal, thanks for sharing. I have a very close friend whose son (the oldest, 14) has Asperger's and I see daily the toll it takes. I've watched him grow up though, we met when we were both pregnant with our now 13 year-olds, and to me he's just "X". But regardless of which end of the spectrum, the challenges are huge, and I can so relate to what you're talking about. I wish you and your family patience and strength as you work together to handle this.
    Love your banner. Wasn't it something else for a while? Can't remember...is that the Hubbard Glacier?
    Thanks for stopping by. I do so appreciate your visits.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. I am not always in such a "down mood." And. . .Alaska was something else. I think this tidewater glacier was called Dawes. It "calved" as we drifted by. I would go to Alaska again in a minute. So glad you were able to visit Alaska as well.
      PS I think you were the one who in April warned us about intellectual property. So, down with the lovely picture of Stockholm and the harbor, and up with our picture of the Inside Passage.

  2. Hey,

    In the past I've interviewed families with kids who have autism and it is so heartbreaking to see some of the sweetest kids trapped "inside."

    Sending you big hugs and prayers that someday - soon - someone, somewhere will figure out how to unlock the key to a cure or somthing...

    1. Such a good description, Mark, "sweet kids trapped inside." Thanks for your hugs and prayers.

  3. So touching and sad. Hope that one day soon there will be some answers. And yes, your grandson is a "very sweet kid trapped inside". We are always here to help you in whatever way we can. Much love, C.

  4. I have friends with kids with varying degrees of autism, and they plug along and work with it/around it,etc. The kid is "different" but often has a unique skill/obsession that is amazing. It's a challenge, but I do think there is more awareness, which does help. Best of luck to your grandson and family

  5. Thank you, Joanne. Our grandson is a unique personality. I am trying very hard to be positive.
