Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I is for Ireland. The Golden Age of Travel Posters

Isn't this a magnificent ferry?  The St. Patrick launched in 1906 was one of the routes to Ireland.  Fishguard Harbour was then developed as a port of call for Atlantic liners.  In 1909 the first Cunard liner, the RMS Mauretania,  stopped at Fishguard Harbour; it must have been an exciting day for the residents to see the Cunard docking there.  I am envisioning a band greeting the Cunard as well. 

The Great Western Railway would take you up the coast of the U.K. from Fishguard Harbor to Hollyhead, cross there via St. Patrick to Dublin.  

The descriptions are wonderful -- "magnificently appointed, sea passage under three hours, and about 22 1/2 knots an hour."

Does anyone have any information about this particular Railway and the passage to and from Ireland?
Fredrick Simpson , March 1906.   Dover Press


  1. I'm loving these series of posters you're doing.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  2. Thank you Juliet, it does look like a wonderful trip to cross to Dublin, but not when the weather is choppy.

  3. Thank you Damyanti. Check back on Friday for "K." It will be extra special.

  4. I love those old posters, and your header is fantastic! Nancy at Welcome to she said, he said

  5. Hi LoW .. love this poster, which seems to endorse what I mentioned in the 'E' comment .. they are amazing ...

    Cheers Hilary
